Locating, Inspecting, & Fault Finding Utilities Equipment for Electric, Gas, Water, Sewer, and Data

Equipment Accessories

Accessory equipment can be added at any time. We sell accessory equipment brands such as Radiodetection, Cues, Pearpoint, Ridgid, Flagshooter, Schonstedt, and Jameson. Call us any time to get help with any of your utility locating equipment accessory needs.

  • Featured Item: Flagshooter

    The Flagshooter uses patented marking flags made of long lasting, low density polyethylene and bright basic steel wire. We provide all colors of flags for all industries. Our flags are 5 inch by 6 inch flags printed with black ink, with the wire measuring 0.066 inches in diameter. We offer pin flags as well. 


Get the revolutionary flag insertion tool that will make your job easier, faster, and more enjoyable.

Radiodetection Backpack

Radiodetection Backpack

This backpack is perfect for easy carrying. Radiodetection is a world leader in the design and development of test equipment, used by utility companies, to help install, protect and maintain their infrastructure networks.

Rycom Instruments CLAMPMITTER™

Rycom Instruments CLAMPMITTER™

The CLAMPMITTER™ is a unique tool for inductive coupling. This self-contained inductive transmitter increases productivity, promotes safety, and simplifies locates by condensing the transmitter and inductive coupler into one cordless package. Whether climbing down a manhole or accessing a utility box, the Clampmitter is an easy alternative to suiting up with a full transmitter and wired coupler for utility locating.

Soft Carry Bag - C.A.T

Soft Carry Bag - C.A.T

This soft bag can hold a C.A.T, Genny, and their accessories.

Soft Carry Bag

Soft Carry Bag

This soft bag can hold a RD7200/RD8200 locator, a transmitter and their accessories.

Hard Case

Hard Case

This sturdy hard case, equipped with wheels for easy transport, can hold a RD7200/RD8200 locator, a transmitter and their accessories.

Omni Utility Marker Balls

Omni Utility Marker Balls

The Omni Marker from Radiodetection is used in conjunction with the PXL2-4M and PDL2-4M series of locators. This is a passive device that can be used to mark underground facilities. Simply toss the Omni Marker into the ground (trench, excavation etc) at the point to be marked, and backfill. The Omni Marker can then be located at a later date using the Omni receiver.


Locator Rechargeable Battery Pack

Spare locator rechargeable battery pack.

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Transmitter Rechargeable Battery Kit - Complete Kit

This kit is a convenient and cost effective alternative to alkaline batteries. It includes a battery pack and both a universal mains and a 12V automotive charger.

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Transmitter Rechargeable Battery Pack Kit

This kit is a convenient and cost effective alternative to alkaline batteries. It includes a battery pack and a universal mains charger.

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Transmitter Rechargeable Battery Pack

This is a spare transmitter rechargeable battery pack.


Locator Rechargeable Battery Pack Kit

This kit is a convenient and cost effective alternative to alkaline batteries. It includes a battery pack and a universal mains charger.

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Automotive Charger for Locator Rechargeable Battery Pack

This convenient 12V unit is used to charge a locator rechargeable battery pack from an automotive cigarette lighter socket.

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Mains Charger for Locator Rechargeable Battery Pack

This universal mains charger is for locator rechargeable battery packs.

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Mains Charger for Transmitter Rechargeable Battery Packs

This is a universal mains charger for transmitter rechargeable battery packs.

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Transmitter Power Supply

This universal AC/DC converter can be used to power the transmitter through the DC socket.

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Automotive Charger for Transmitter Rechargeable Battery Pack

This convenient 12V unit is used to charge a transmitter rechargeable battery pack from an automotive cigarette lighter socket.


Locator Clamp

This is used with a locator to help identify target utilities in congested areas by sensing the signals from individual utilities. Available in 2" or 4" diameters.


Automotive Power Lead

This lead is used to power the transmitter directly from a 12V automotive supply using the transmitter DC socket. It is fitted with an isolation transformer for protection.


Direct Connection Lead

This is used for applying a transmitter signal directly on to utilities.


Current Direction (CD) Transmitter Clamp

This clamp is used to apply a CD or low frequency signal from a transmitter to a cable or pipe. The CD signal is useful for identifying individual utilities in congested areas. This is the only transmitter clamp which can be used with frequencies below 1kHz.


Large Stethoscope

This flexible, 20" long, accessory helps to locate and identify individual cables that are bundled together, in a tray or where it is not possible to use a clamp.


High Gain Stethoscope

This is used to locate individual utilities when either bundled together or in close proximity and where it is not possible to use a locator. With its small size and flat surface, it is ideal for locating utilities within walls.


Small Stethoscope

This helps to locate individual utilities which are bundled together. It can be used for identifying inaccessible small cables as well as other utilities.


Transmitter Clamp

This clamp is used to apply a transmitter signal to a specific cable or pipe. This is particularly useful where direct connection is not possible, or on live cables when these cannot be de-energized. It can be used with the extension rod.

Available in 2", 4", and 8.5" diameters.


CD and CM Clamp

CD/CM (Current Direction and Current Measurement) Clamp. This is used to identify individual utilities in congested areas. It provides positive identification when used with a CD signal and can also provide current measurement of a transmitter signal to further identify individual utilities. For CD information and identification a RD8KPD(B) and Tx-10(B) transmitter are required. If only current readings are required, this clamp can be used with all locator models over the range of transmitter signals.


Transmitter Connection Kit

This kit includes the most common transmitter connection accessories. It includes a direct connection lead, an earth extension lead, an earth stake and a high-strength neodymium magnet.


Direct Connection Lead - Genny

This is used for applying a Genny signal directly on to utilities.


Genny Connection Kit

This kit includes the most common Genny connection accessories. It includes a direct connection lead, an earth extension lead, an earth stake and a high-strength neodymium magnet.


Genny Clamp

This clamp is used to apply a Genny signal to a specific cable or pipe. This is particularly useful where direct connection is not possible, or on live cables when these cannot be de-energized. Available in 2", 4", and 8.5" diameters.


Earth Extension Lead

This 33' (10m) lead, wound on a convenient spool, is used to extend the direct connection lead earth return connector, when a local earth point cannot be reached or is not suitable.


Earth Stake

This metal stake is inserted into the ground to provide an earth return path for the Genny signal.



Part of the Radiodetection Centros Manager application, eCAL allows the user to validate the calibration of the locator without the need to send the unit away. eCAL provides user with confidence that the locator is performing to the very same high standards as it did when it first left the factory.


Neodymium Magnet

This high strength magnet can be attached to metallic pipes, street furniture, etc., to provide a convenient connection point for the direct connect lead signal connector.


Current Direction (CD) Telescopic Stethoscope

This accessory can be connected to a RD8100PDL locator to find and identify individual cables, using the CD signal from a Tx10 transmitter. It uses LEDs and direction arrows to identify current direction. It can also be used without a CD signal with all locators to detect and identify cables but without the current direction information.


C.A.T Manager

C.A.T4 locators are supported with the dedicated C.A.T Manager software package. This Windows® PC program allows plant, fleet and site managers to minimise down time by performing software upgrades, sending a service request or reproducing calibration certificates. To match individual preferences or intended use, C.A.T Manager can disable or enable C.A.T4 features such as depth estimation and warnings. User-editable fields enable plant/fleet codes and other details to be stored on eC.A.T4 units, simplifying records and traceability. Only available for the C.A.T4 range of locators.


Live Cable Connector (LCC)

This accessory is used to apply the Genny signal to live cables. The Live Cable Connector may only be used by suitably qualified personnel. Maximum operating 440Vrms and CAT III rated.

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Live Plug Connector (LPC)

This accessory is used to easily apply a Genny signal to a street distribution cable using a standard mains socket. Maximum operating voltage 254Vrms and CAT II rated.



This allows the user to validate the calibration of the C.A.T4 without the need to send the unit away. eCert provides the user with confidence that the C.A.T4 is performing to the very same high standards as it did when it first left the factory. Only available for C.A.T4 – Requires C.A.T Manager.


Extension Rod

The 25" length, non-conductive, nylon extension rod is used to extend the reach of the locator/transmitter clamp or small stethoscope. Multiple rods can be connected together to extend the reach further.



This is used for locating sheath faults on cables, and coating defects on pipelines. It provides direction and magnitude of fault information on the display of the locator.

The A-Frame can be used with RD8100, RD7KTL, RD7KPL or RD8KPDL(B) locator. A Tx-3(B) or Tx-10(B) transmitter is also required to provide a Fault Find signal.


Submersible Double Depth Antenna (SDDA)

This remote antenna is used for locating underwater cables or pipes. It is supplied with 33' or 164' of cable but it can also be ordered with up to 328' of cable on request. It is available in 640Hz or 8kHz versions.

33' models available

164' models available



These can be used with a locator and are recommended for use in noisy environments. Note that operators must at all times remain aware of their surroundings.


Contact C&S Solutions with any questions about the products we have available. We provide the best underground utility locating equipment for sale on the market today, and our experts are happy to help you find what you need.

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