Jameson Live Gas/Water Rodders
Fiberglass rod with tracer wire and grounding with integrated Stuffing Box that locates live plastic lateral gas lines from meter to the main.
Use Jameson Live Tracer™ Traceable Rodder with transmitter and receiver to locate live plastic gas service lines from meter to main. Connect transmitter to Live Tracer™ to energize unit with specific frequency. When energized rod is pushed into pipe, signal radiates out to surface where a receiver detects the frequency. The entire buried pipe can be traced and marked continuously from above ground by one man without digging.
- Stuffing Box connects to any riser’s shut off valve
- No blow-by while feeding rod into live line up to 125 PSI
- Small bullet tip guides rod from riser to lateral transition
- Use any transmitter and receiver to noninvasive trace gas line from above ground
- Includes wire and clip for static grounding
- Stuffing Box and Accessory Kit included
- Dimensions: 22″ X 17″ X 7″
Field evaluated by GTI
Electrofusion Insertion Tapping Tee For 2" Gas Main Line
- Attach stuffing box to electro fusion insertion tap tee (patent pending).
- Insert traceable rod into gas main with no blow by. Use with transmitter and receiver to trace line from above ground.
Part Number
- 16-14-600 - 600' X 1/4" Locating Rodder with Stuffing Box and Accessory Kit
- 16-2-TEE - Electrofusion Insertion Tapping Tee
Jameson Lateral Gas Line Tracer Kit:
Fiberglass Rod and Reel with Integrated
Stuffing Box and Grounding Equipment
15-316-100-GL - 3/16” X 100’
15-316-150-GL - 3/16” X 150’
15-316-200-GL - 3/16” X 200’
15-316-250-GL - 3/16” X 250’
15-316-300-GL - 3/16” X 300’
15-316-350-GL - 3/16” X 350’
Jameson Lateral Gas Line Tracer Kit with Ball
Valve* and 2” Nipple
15-316-100-GLV - 3/16” X 100’
15-316-150-GLV - 3/16” X 150’
15-316-200-GLV - 3/16” X 200’
15-316-250-GLV - 3/16” X 250’
15-316-300-GLV - 3/16” X 300’
15-316-350-GLV - 3/16” X 350’
15-SB - Stuffing Box Only
15-146-GL - Gas Tracer End Ferrule Repair Kit
* Ball Valve allows gas to be shut off if the primary riser valve fails.